
My name is Crimson Star.  For real.

I am not a pub, a marching band, a race horse, a race dog, a flower, a log cabin, a fire engine, a bicycle part, a game character, or any of the other weird and wonderful things that share my name and turn up on an Internet search.

I am an actual person, and until recently I had to work full-time just like most other people.  In 2010, I retired from my job as an IT specialist with the Government of Alberta, and stopped taking on new clients through my company, Crimson Star Software.

It is hard to break old habits, so I still maintain several websites for myself and my wife, but mostly I don’t do a darn thing!

Retirement is a lot more fun than most people admit, but please don’t take my word for it — the campgrounds I like always fill up quickly and the last thing I need is someone new trying to butt in!